Restoring Landscape Resilience: A Conversation with Paul Hessburg (8/29 6pm)
Sarah Allaben Sarah Allaben

Restoring Landscape Resilience: A Conversation with Paul Hessburg (8/29 6pm)

Why have our wildfires gotten larger and more severe? What makes a forest resilient to disturbance and changing climatic conditions? How can we manage our landscapes to prepare them for an uncertain future? Hear from USFS Research Ecologist Paul Hessburg as he tackles these questions and many more. FREE event 8/29/24 6:00 pm in Husum, WA.

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5th Annual MARS Pig Roast: July 11, 2024
Sarah Allaben Sarah Allaben

5th Annual MARS Pig Roast: July 11, 2024

Join us for our annual community gathering, potluck, and open house! We’ll provide beverages and the protein; you bring a side dish, salad or dessert to share. MARS will give updates on our work and provide you an opportunity to give feedback. More than anything, we’ll gather and catch up as neighbors.

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Columbia Gorge TREX 2024: Applications open through 7/19!
Sarah Allaben Sarah Allaben

Columbia Gorge TREX 2024: Applications open through 7/19!

Mt. Adams Resource Stewards is hosting the second annual Columbia Gorge Prescribed Fire Training Exchange (TREX) this fall! Join us for a peer-to-peer experiential learning opportunity with live fire training, skills practice, guest speakers, and more. CGTREX consists of an immersive 1-week training in Trout Lake, WA, followed by an “on-call” period when participants reconvene for burn opportunities as they arise.

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The Journey of a Thousand Miles
Sarah Allaben Sarah Allaben

The Journey of a Thousand Miles

Just as the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, the journey to a healthy and resilient landscape begins with a single acre. In a time when land ownership is converted and fragmented at rapid rates, forest lands give way to an ever expanding wildland urban interface and once contiguous landscapes spanning thousands of acres are subdivided into small forest ownerships and non-industrial forest parcels.

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MARS Monitoring Report: Bobcats (Lynx rufus)
Sarah Allaben Sarah Allaben

MARS Monitoring Report: Bobcats (Lynx rufus)

While on a bit of a walkabout in Glenwood, we encountered this handsome being. Although I am not certain, my guess is that this is a female bobcat based on its size. Bobcats are moderately common, although not commonly seen, in this region. IUCN Red List categorizes them as a species of Least Concern, which is not to say that we should not respect and care for their well-being, but their populations are stable.

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800 Acres Added to the Mt. Adams Community Forest!
Sarah Allaben Sarah Allaben

800 Acres Added to the Mt. Adams Community Forest!

In recent weeks, MARS wrapped up its largest community forest purchase yet, successfully concluding over two years of work with the seller to bring about an outcome for the property that will continue its legacy for forestry, wildlife habitat and public access.

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Birding On MARS!</a>
Sarah Allaben Sarah Allaben

Birding On MARS!

Join MARS staff for birding on the Mt. Adams Community Forest in Glenwood, WA! Saturday May 20th, 2023.

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