800 Acres Added to the Mt. Adams Community Forest!

In recent weeks, MARS wrapped up its largest community forest purchase yet, successfully concluding over two years of work with the seller to bring about an outcome for the property that will continue its legacy for forestry, wildlife habitat and public access. The property, known as the South Conboy Tract, is located along the BZ-Glenwood Highway and is comprised of two distinct parcels dominated by north facing slopes that had experienced significant timber harvest in recent years. MARS will be engaging with the local community in early 2024 to develop a detailed management plan for the new addition. The acquisition was supported by Washington RCO’s Community Forest Program, the US Forest Service Community Forest Program, and a loan from the Washington Opportunity Fund.


MARS Monitoring Report: Bobcats (Lynx rufus)


Columbia Gorge TREX 2023: Applications open through 7/17