Stewardship Crew
The skilled, passionate, local workforce that brings our stewardship goals into fruition.
The MARS Stewardship Crew was established in 2018 to support fuels management and forestry health work on lands managed by MARS and by other private and public partners in the region.
This “Fuels, Forestry, and Fire” crew is cross-trained in a wide variety of land management practices, ranging from in-stream restoration to hazard tree removal to prescribed fire implementation. Crewmembers embody the “all lands, all hands” ethos central to MARS’s mission. The crew might be creating a shaded fuel break on the Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge one day, reducing hazardous fuels for a small private landowner the next, and supporting a prescribed burn with The Nature Conservancy the day after.
Program contact:
Lucas King
Open positions for the Stewardship Crew are typically announced in December, and the crew season runs from March-December.
@mars_stewardship_crew on Instagram
What’s the Crew Up To?
MARS Saw Program
Mt. Adams Resource Stewards operates a nationally recognized and approved sawyer training and certification program. While the MARS Saw Program can issue the 3 levels of USFS-recognized sawyer certification for chainsaw operations, ideas and principles from other training programs such as Game of Logging, Art of Felling Timber, Worksafe BC and others saw programs are also incorporated to training. The program is designed to build and improve sawyers on five principles: Safety, Discipline, Attitude, Growth Mindset, and Professionalism. Given the wide array of projects and complexities that the Stewardship Crew encounters in the field, MARS strives to develop safe, dynamic, and humble sawyers that can pass on knowledge and skills to the next generation of sawyers.
Saw program staff contact:
James Moore, sawprogram@mtadamsstewards.org