Glenwood Fire Adapted Community (GFAC)
Glenwood Fire Adapted Community (GFAC) is a community-led group that strives to increase local knowledge about wildfire risk and preparedness, and to organize projects that mitigate Glenwood’s fire risk.
The landscapes surrounding Glenwood are adapted to, and even reliant upon, fire for their health and resiliency. GFAC is working to help residents understand and live safely with this reality.
Get involved!
Join our email list by contacting Sarah Allaben at
Sign up for a free home wildfire risk assessment (sign up link)
Below, find resources for home hardening, defensible space, fire-resistant plants, forest management, and more
The Science of Wildfire: Why They’re Getting Worse - short video from the Wall Street Journal
Living with Wildfire - 45-minute film about wildfires in Washington State
The West is Burning - documentary raising awareness about the condition of forests in the West
Living with fire: fire awareness, prevention and mitigation: creating fire-adapted communities and resilient landscapes - article by Oregon Forest Resources Institute
Sign up for a free 30-45 minute home wildfire risk assessment via this form.
For additional resources, visit
How defensible space could save your home from fire - short video from California with live fire demonstration
Wildfire Home Retrofit Guide: how to harden homes against wildfire - guide by Living with Fire Tahoe, from Nevada Extension
Preparing Homes from Wildfire - guide from the National Fire Protection Agency
Your Home Can Survive a Wildfire - video explaining the science behind home ignitions
The fire smart home handbook: preparing for and surviving the threat of wildfire - book by Clyde Soles
Keeping Your Home and Property Safe from Wildfire: A Defensible Space and Fuel Reduction Guide for Homeowners and Landowners - guide by Oregon State University Extension
What is firescaping? 7 vital things you need to know to protect your yard from wildfires - article by Homes & Gardens
Fire-Resistant Plants for Eastern Washington - comprehensive guide from Washington DNR
Burn Permitting 101 - click-through guide to help you understand permitting requirements for any type of burning in WA
WA DNR Burn Portal - hub for burn information and permitting on DNR-protected lands
Mt. Adams Prescribed Burn Association - local organization helping private landowners use prescribed fire
Evacuation map and emergency preparedness brochure - created for Trout Lake, but relevant for Glenwood residents as well
Klickitat County Emergency Alerts - make sure you are signed up so you can be contacted with evacuation orders and other notices - emergency preparedness resources, including go-bag checklist
Washington Department of Natural Resources has a program to financially assist landowners with forest thinning & defensible space work.
Read more about the program here.
Our local contact is Sharon Frazey:, 509-856-5545